Наша Мета Вилікування Серця Дітей




Operation CHILD CARDI© -CARE (OCCC) is Ukrainian Gift of Life’s newest program that allows children with certain heart defects to receive competent medical attention within Ukraine. Since January 2000, UGOL has arranged financing for the cost of surgical equipment and supplies for 83 children ($1000 per child) whose surgeries can be performed in Ukraine at this time. The $1000 is raised by individuals, churches, schools, or organizations in AMerica for the purpose of sponsoring a specific child for a heart operation in Ukraine through the Operation CHILD CARDI© -CARE program and an alliance with CARDIO in Ukraine.

Ukrainian Gift of Life, Inc. was organized in 1996 to save children in Ukraine with congenital heart defects. UGOL's goal is to enhance the self-sufficient medical effort in the area of pediatric cardiology within Ukraine while saving as many children as possible. To this end, in addition to launching Operation CHILD CARDI© -CARE, UGOL networks for useable equipment, supplies, and nutritional supplementation; has raised funds among Ukrainian-American physicians to publish the translation of a leading diagnostic textbook distributed to all 800 clinics in Ukraine and develops training opporunities for medical professionals related to pediatric cardiology. Since June, 1997, when required surgeries are not feasible because of financial or technological factors, UGOL, Inc. has arranged for and supported the surgeries for over 80 children in America. This has been possible through an alliance with Rotary District 7490 and Montefiore Hospital in New York City and St. Joseph’s Hospital in Paterson, New Jersey.

UGOL, Inc. works with "CARDIO" in Ukraine. CARDIO is a unique organization founded in conjunction with the Red Cross Society of Ukraine in June,1995. It is funded by private donations and is based at the Lviv Cardiac Surgery Center. Although the doctors are willing to donate their services, the number of operations that can be performed at this center and throughout Ukraine is limited by lack of hospital financial resources, limited governmental medical support and minimal non-governmental contribution. Patients must, therefore, provide their own surgical supplies and medications (or money for them) before surgery, and payment for surgery after the procedure is completed. With low monthly salaries for employed families and high unemployment, raising this sum of money for surgery is a tremendous added hardship for parents already caring for a child with a life-threatening condition.

Churches, schools, organizations or individuals in America can cover these costs of surgery for a specific child in Ukraine. UGOL, Inc. will provide information about a child and a letter requesting assistance from the child’s family (and usually a picture). All children have been examined and their cases previewed by medical professionals agreeing that competent care can be provided in Ukraine. UGOL, Inc. advisors, including a medical administrator, review surgery cost and authorize payment of expenses through a fund established for these specific contributions. UGOL then transfers this money to the medical team at Lviv Cardiac Surgery Center, where children whose families could not afford the cost of consumables for a child's heart operation, are given this opportunity. Not only are consumables free but a medical team parrticipating in the non-profit organization, CARDIO, offers services without charge to families in need. The team communicates with UGOL regarding the surgery and recuperation of the child. Ongoing communication among surgery sponsors and the child’s family is encouraged. Translation of correspopndence is provided, when necessary.

Tax-deductible contribution can be sent to:
Ukrainian Gift of Life, Inc.; 233 Rock Road, Suite 333; Glen Rock, NJ 07452
Contributions can be made to Ukrainian Gift of Life, Inc.
but please designate "OCCC" and the group sponsoring a child with which you are affiliated, if applicable.
For further information call: 201-652-5505

April 2003

Ukrainian Gift of Life, Inc.
233 Rock Rd., Glen Rock, NJ 07452
phone 201-652-4762, fax 201-584-9155
E-mail "ugolinc@aol.com"